“For the second year, Forbes has partnered with market research company Statista to create a list of the most recommended firms for tax and accounting services in the U.S. based on surveys of tax and accounting professionals and their clients. Of the 278 firms identified, 250 were recommended for tax and 200 were recommended for accounting (172 were recommended for both tax and accounting services). ”
“What should you look for in a firm? A team dedicated to your industry—whether it’s cannabis or manufacturing—is a must. But make sure you also ask about what other value-added services are on offer, like a state and local tax practice, a wealth practice, or an IT advisory group. Has the firm itself embraced technology? “You want a firm that’s focused on innovation so you know they’re going to help you think about it in your own business,” says McCall.”
Click to View Full List on Forbes.com
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